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Research Works such as MEMS Market
 MMC estimated MEMS Market Volume in 2010, 2015 and 2020 expectations in Japan.You can get marketing data by the estimation.

Current MEMS Market in Japan

 The MEMS Market in 2010 is 720 billion yen.

 Large Volume Sectors are Automotive(260B yen), Information Processing and Telecommunication Equipment(215B yen), and Precision Equipment(46B yen). Those fields are strong industry in Japan. Their scale reflects the results of Japanese industry's pioneering efforts in MEMS development, application, and use to achieve product differentiation.

 Sectors Need to be Developed Further are Biotechnology, Medical/Social services and Society & Culture. Those fields represent attractive markets expected to be high growth markets in response to future changes in society.

Market Predictions in 2020 in Japan
 Estimated Market Volume will be 3.1 trillion yen in 2020.

 Large Volume Sectors are Information and communications equipment, Automotive Society and Precision Equipment. The MEMS market in these areas will expand and grow steadily. Development of low-cost MEMS sensors and RF MEMS enables significant growth in the society and culture sector because MEMS devices have been adopted in large numbers both in information-enabled home appliances and amusement products.

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