仭丂Date : November 8, 2006丂丂9:00am乣5:55pm
仭丂Venue : Tokyo International Forum, Hall D7
5-1 Marunouchi 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Phone: +81-3-5221-9000
仭丂Organizer :
Micromachine Center
仭丂Supporters : Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
仭丂Cooperators : The Japan Machinery Federation
Japan Robot Association
Japan Analytical Instruments Manufacturers Association
仭丂Registration fee : 20,000 Yen
(Only cash payment on site is accepted, Any credit card not be accepted.)
仭丂Contact :

Micromachine Center, Industry Department
俵俛俼99 Bldg. 6F, 67 KandaSakumagashi, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 101-0026, Japan
TEL丗 03-5835-1870丂丂 FAX丗 03-5835-1873
E-mail: front@mmc.or.jp