Chairman's Summary

                                                             @@@@@@@ April 12, 2000

  The Sixth Micromachine Summit was held in Hiroshima, Japan during April 10-12, 2000@with 54 delegates from 15 countries/regions and special guest from NEXUS/EC and 39 observers of which 13 from the overseas.

The topics we discussed and exchanged our views and opinions on were more general issues to promote micromachine technologies, which we started to discuss at the first Summit in Kyoto five years ago.

In session gCountry/region reviewh, we learned each otherfs status of micromachine development.It seemed that the activities in the delegations were strengthened ever before with new horizontal expansion.

In sessiongGovernment policyh, we discussed issues, i.e. government role in international collaboration and industrial view on this issue.In this technologically infant area, governments may have an important role to accelerate further progress of micromachine.

In session gEducationh, we discussed how to collaborate internationally in order to educate and train students including children to engineers advanced technologies.Micromachine progress heavily depends on human brain and skills.This topic should be discussed at the next Summit.

In session gStandardizationh, the discussion was focused on what items or areas were targeted at this moment.Measurement method seems to have priority.

In session gTechnology transferh and gIndustrial infrastructureh, we exchanged the experience among the participants, who are actively engaging in the variety of programs.

In session gExploiting of applicationh, we exchanged various topics, such as fluidics, new devices, efforts to seek for applications.

In session gFuture outlookh, we looked at the future scenario of micromachine. We have a look at future of micromachine in fluidics and examined the scenario of future development.Our conclusion is that gwe have a bigopportunity to fulfill human needs and should move forward with confidenceh. 

The World Micromachine Summit has a vital forum to exchange views and opinions by high-level people involved among countries/regions, which take different approaches.The chief delegates meeting has thought that the continuing discussion would be necessary and decided we should meet again next year in Germany in Spring and further the 8th Summit in Benelux in 2002.

Prof. Naomasa Nakajima 

Chief Delegate, Japan