- Micromachine Technology is Pulling the Creation and Development of New Industries -
November 10, 2005
Science Museum, Science Hall, Tokyo, JAPAN
The Micromachine Center (MMC) was founded in 1992 for the purpose of establishing base technologies in micromachines or Microsystems such as MEMS, and to aid in the development of Japan's industrial economy and contribute to the international community through the dissemination of micromachines. MMC has been holding the international symposium as part of activity every year since 1995.

The 11th International Micromachine/Nanotech Symposium of this year carries the main theme for "Micromachine   Technology is puling creation and development of new industries". @As you see the program, 12 lectures are given on the subject of "The forefront of the micromachine business", "Micromachine applications expected to flower" and "The leading edge of micromachine technology".@@Moreover, the special panel discussion is performed on the subject of "Towards development of new MEMS industries" in commemoration of the establishment of Japan MEMS industry group.

  MMC hopes that your inspiration catches quickly something, which is needed to solve the problem or remove obstacle in your research or in your business development. Simultaneous interpretation (Japanese to English and vice versa) will be provided to all participants.